Web To Lead Forms

Salesforce web to lead forms allow you to capture leads on Salesforce, save customer Permissions and have a clear record of the permissions history using Consentric.

Creating A New Web To Lead Form

  1. In the Salesforce set-up area, navigate to the web-to-lead area and click ‘Create web-to-lead form’.
  2. Select any standard Salesforce fields you wish to include on the form.
  3. Select:
    a. Consentric Transfer Status (Mandatory)
    c. Permission Statement (Mandatory) Privacy Policy (Mandatory)
    d. Channel (Mandatory)
    e. Campaign (Optional)

Note: These standard Consentric fields will be hidden in a later step and will not be visible on the final form

  1. Select each Permission field (e.g. (Perm) Rewards: Offers-Email) you wish the customer to manage on your website before submitting the form.

  2. Select each Permission field where Legitimate Interest is to be claimed when the customer submits the form.

Note: Make sure any permissions where you are claiming Legitimate Interest are clearly detailed in your permission statement.

  1. Click ‘Generate’ to generate the web to lead code.

  2. Add the default Consentric values to the code (selected in step 3 above) and set the fields to hidden.

a. Default values:


Note: The Consentric Permission Statement and Privacy Policy IDs can be identified using the Consentric API

b. Hide fields in the code by updating their ‘type’ to ‘hidden’.

  1. Each permission field will be displayed on the web to lead form as a dropdown with available values ‘Yes’ and ‘No’. Should you wish to update these to checkboxes see the sample code provided below:
  1. Hide permission fields where you will be claiming legitimate interest and default the values to Yes.
  1. Style the HTML for the web to lead form and place the code on your site.

Maintaining Existing Web To Lead Forms

This section details how to update existing web to lead forms, including updating Permission Statement wording, your Privacy Policy and adding or removing Permissions from the form.

Updating Permission Statements

  1. Upload the updated Permission Statement wording to Consentric. This can be completed through the Consentric Organisation UI or over the API.

  2. Get the Permission Statement ID using the Consentric API and update the value of the permission statement hidden field in the web to lead code.

  1. Update the actual Permission Statement wording on the page.

  2. Make the updates live on your site.

Updating Privacy Policies

  1. Upload the updated Privacy Policy to Consentric.

  2. Get the Privacy Policy ID using the Consentric API and update the value of the privacy policy hidden field in the web to lead code.

  1. Update the privacy policy on your website.

  2. Make the updates live on your site.

Adding New Permissions

The simplest way to add new permissions to the web to lead form is to create a new web to lead form and copy the generated fields to the existing code.

  1. Create a new web to lead form as described in Section 1 - “Creating a new web to lead form”.

  2. Select each new Permission field you wish the customer to manage.

  3. Select each new Permission field where legitimate interest is to be claimed when the customer submits the form.

  4. Follow steps 6 through to 9 described in Section 1 - “Creating a new web to lead form”.

  5. Copy the Permission fields from the newly created form to your existing form.

  6. Make the updates live on your site.

Removing existing permissions can be completed by simply removing them from the code.