Retrieve transactions.

The following criteria can be used to filter the results.

  • By Citizens.
    A citizen can be specified by either a citizenId or externalRef or by both a citizenId and externalRef. If both a citizenId and externalRef are supplied they must both resolve to the same citizen.
  • By date.
    A transaction before (exclusive of) a given date, or since (inclusive) of a given date or transactions since and before the given dates
  • By Pagination.
    Results can be paginated by supplying a limit and or an offset.
    The offset is zero or a positive integer that controls the number of transaction to drop before returning transactions while the limit is a positive integer value that controls the size of the page to be returned.
    If the request does not filter by a citizen, pagination will be enforced, with a default limit and offset used if these values are not provided

Note that if citizenId and externalRef are not provided, pagination will be enforced, with default values for limit and offset being used if none are provided.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!